Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
GroupRoles | Collection of string |
None. |
UserName | string |
None. |
PasswordHash | string |
None. |
FirstName | string |
None. |
LastName | string |
None. |
string |
None. |
Phone | string |
None. |
Address | string |
None. |
Avatar | string |
None. |
Stop | boolean |
None. |
CreateDate | date |
None. |
CreateByUser | string |
None. |
UpdateDate | date |
None. |
UpdateByUser | string |
None. |
Gender | integer |
None. |
BirthDay | date |
None. |
GroupID | globally unique identifier |
None. |
LopSV | string |
None. |
CourseStudents | Collection of CourseStudent |
None. |
SYS_GroupUser | Collection of SYS_GroupUser |
None. |
roles | Collection of string |
None. |
EmailConfirmed | boolean |
None. |
SecurityStamp | string |
None. |
PhoneNumber | string |
None. |
PhoneNumberConfirmed | boolean |
None. |
TwoFactorEnabled | boolean |
None. |
LockoutEndDateUtc | date |
None. |
LockoutEnabled | boolean |
None. |
AccessFailedCount | integer |
None. |
Roles | Collection of IdentityUserRole |
None. |
Claims | Collection of IdentityUserClaim |
None. |
Logins | Collection of IdentityUserLogin |
None. |
Id | string |
None. |